Network Like a PRO

Connect like a HUMAN…

What is 52 Connections in 52 Weeks?

We are a Networking Community for Business Owners, Nonprofits, and Entrepreneurs.

Watch this quick video to learn if this networking community is right for you!

This is NOT traditional networking.
We are changing the definition, and debunking old methods.

Sara Barco leaning against a wall with arms crossed

Attention Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Nonprofits!

I’m on a mission to redefine how Businesses and Nonprofits communicate and connect with one another.

This is done with a very intentional networking community.

I want this to be a year of strong connections, networks, and relationships for you

…Without networking around the clock, or constantly wondering where your next leads are coming from. 

Networking doesn’t come easy for everyone. It can be uncomfortable and can cause anxiety when thinking about not knowing who to talk to and how. 

Does this feel like you?

I’m ready to put my foot down and debunk the old uncomfortable ways that we observe and have become so familiar with. Are you?

Most Business Owners and Nonprofits struggle to find time to network. Or struggle to determine what areas of networking are the best use of their time.

Does this sound familiar?

Maybe you’re spending countless and valuable hours out meeting new people and still not connecting, collaborating, referring, exchanging business, or building relationships for the long term like you hope. 

I would like to help you discover new ways to intentionally network in ways which provide valuable outcomes long term.

You are possibly one connection away from transforming your network.


How do I know?

I know because I have heard the stories of transformations that have happened from ONE connection alone. 
I know this because we have an application process that assures those coming in are there for the right reasons and not just to exchange business cards and to have you join their email funnel.

Individuals joining, are serious about connecting in new ways to grow and are excited to meet and support new individuals this year. I meet with each applicant personally to ensure our mission and vision align.
You are going to gain access to a robust and quality network with a built-in support system that accompanies you throughout your journey of connections, collaborations, and referrals for an entire year! 
Unlike conventional lead-generating groups, this community is characterized by warmth and genuine connection. We are driven by a shared commitment.

Photo of a team of people smiling

It’s not the networking that grows your industry/organization…


It’s how you connect during networking that makes it successful or not.

What Members are Saying

I LOVE being a part of the 52 Connections in 52 Weeks community because the people Sara draws into the community are intentional and amazing, who also have the same goals as I do! If you’re thinking about joining 52 Connections, I would highly encourage it. No matter what field you are in and how comfortable or uncomfortable in networking you are, Sara will walk alongside you every step of the way.
Sarah Jacobson - Sarah A Jacobson Coaching

52 Connections has been absolutely amazing for my business! I love the warm networking feel! The masterclasses and workshops have taught me so much! There is a great variety of people and topics. There is no way I could have gained all of this knowledge somewhere else. I highly suggest you join! It’s worth every penny and more AND you will not be disappointed!

Jessica Jeffrey - Clear Financials

I’ve been part of this networking community for a couple of weeks now. I’m so happy I joined for a couple of reasons. I have already met some amazing business owners in the first couple of meetings. There is a variety of industries that are involved, which I like, multiple opportunities to network online and in person, workshops, and many opportunities to be involved and network. That’s what I love about this group. If you are looking for an awesome networking group, worth every dime, 52 Connections is the way to go!

Brian Madeleine - Madeleine Financial Coaching

Huge shoutout to Sara and the 52 Connections Group! I joined around 6 months ago and it’s been an amazing experience for me! I love it for a few reasons! One, it can be lonely networking and this group is supportive and warm. Talking about real issues, and successes and celebrating together has been fantastic. Second, it’s helped me to network outside of the group! Sara is either warming the room or has set up someone else to warm the room for her so it doesn’t feel awkward or hard! Lastly, it’s helped me grow my business. The referrals from this group have been my favorite. These clients have become trusted clients who send me great referrals as well. I couldn’t be more grateful! I highly recommend you jump in!

Jeannette Stein - AI Coach

If you are thinking about joining 52 Connections, I cannot recommend it enough. From the time I met Sara, I felt a warm, and welcoming presence. She is genuinely interested in helping each individual. She pours her heart and soul into her work by creating valuable content and tools for networking and connecting. She takes time to really sit down with each individual and makes an impact on those she comes across. I have had so many great connections come out of this group! I’m so happy I invested in my self and my business! If you ever want to talk more about my experience, I’m happy to!

Adrienne Jamail -High Performance Coaching

52 Connections in 52 Weeks has been an invaluable resource for expanding my professional network. The program’s structured approach and helpful tools made it easy to track progress and discover new opportunities for collaboration. I highly recommend it to any organization or individual that is looking to grow and build lasting relationships.
Andy Maciejewski - Revel Marketing

I would be sad if you missed this...

I sit down with individuals every day who tell me what they are missing in networking, what they wish they were able to find and experience, and why it matters so much to them. 

“It makes me anxious. “
“I feel alone in the room”
“I feel like people are always looking over my shoulder for the next person to talk to.”
“I feel like I just exchange business cards and never actually get to know anyone.”
“I feel like people are just looking for leads and not connections anymore.”

I KNOW how much connecting and thinking outside of the box to discover new ways to network and build relationships for intentional lead generation matters. I also know people are sick and tired of the same old ways.

“I want to actually get to know people”
“I want to walk into a room and feel warmth”
I want to matter.”
I want to get to know you, not just be sold”
I want to hear what matters, not a sales pitch”
“I want to get to know people well enough that I feel genuinely good about referring them, not just because I feel like I have to.”

We are all tired of having great conversations and exchanging business cards and contact information, only to end up forgotten.

I KNOW that I have a purpose and a gift for helping others find valuable and creative avenues to connect and network in ways that make sense and want more than ever for you to succeed and I KNOW I’m not the only one. We can do better.
We are more than leads and funnels. We are valuable business owners, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit leaders who have a purpose in our communities and a desire to show up and do this networking thing DIFFERENT! 
So, I would be sad if you missed this and all of the incredible opportunities that are available here that are just waiting inside for you to explore this year. There is more than what I can share on a landing page. I want to sit down and talk to you about everything while learning what matters to you most. There is SO much more. 

“I haven’t had to search for any networks outside of this 52 Connections community all year long! I just open my membership book, jump in the group, or join a networking opportunity and choose who I want to connect more with next.”

“Networking is important and my time is valuable. I can accomplish big goals while managing my time much better here, in one place with an amazing community and individuals!”

“I’m so glad I joined when I did. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I have already met amazing new connections that have me excited and on fire for what’s next!!! I love it already.”

52 Connections in 52 Weeks

The Challenge: 

Business owners and nonprofits have needs to grow and expand, and traditional networking typically focuses heavily on lead generation and not as intentionally on connections and relationships.

The Vision: 

Build a network of RELATIONSHIPS with other business owners and nonprofits that offers real community and connection to serve the MANY professional and personal needs.

The Cost ($) and Big Idea: 

Membership investment starts at $47.00-$52.00/month. Membership has annual and monthly payment options.

The big idea is that you are investing in the opportunity to meet 52+ new industries/ organizations this year. One new person a week for 52 Weeks with a full year to get to know your connections. All the bonuses and extra networking opportunities are in support of this big idea.

How we do it: 

We screen people through an application process. We assure you that the network community you are part of is a quality network community. You gain access to the private community hub, PLUS all the bonuses of weekly workshops, training, courses, tools, resources, networking, speaking, leading, and business/personal development opportunities to participate in on your schedule.

Even if you are new to networking, burned out from it, or not sure how you want to connect with others completely, you’re very likely to be successful at this. We’ve got you covered. 

We know this works from hearing our testimonials consistently. We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Our members matter, and so do the values they show up to serve. This community works because of the mission, vision, purpose, and support of every member in this community! .

It’s not for everyone, but it is for many who understand that to network better, we need to change what we believe networking to be. It’s more than we think. 

Weekly In-Person and Virtual Networking

Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Members meet every week, either virtually or in person in varying locations around the Lakeshore. Each member has the opportunity to educate the group on their business or nonprofit while networking, socializing, and connecting. These opportunities are scheduled in advance for planning in advance. 

Weekly Expert Led Workshops/Masterclasses

Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Want to share more about your industry/organization? Our members can choose to present as an expert in either in a workshop or LIVE interview format up to 4 times a year. Each presentation and video is stored in our membership library throughout the entire year!

Membership Spotlights


Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Each week we put the spotlight on a new member and share about their mission, purpose, vision and what makes them so amazing to connect, grow, and collaborate with.

24 hour Access to Community Hub, Tools and Resources for Business and Professional Growth

Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Our Private Membership Community Hub is where we stay connected in between networking and presentations. We post, engage, ask questions, share experiences, tag and refer to others, live stream, and present all within this private community.

Monthly Calendars of all Events and Opportunities

Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Membership calendars are shared in our private hub, through our shared Google Calendar, and in our email communication. Members always know what events are coming up and can pre-schedule where they feel they would like to be based on how they would like to spend their networking time.

Lead a Chapter in Your Community!

Group of 4 women networking at a coffee shop

Do you have an amazing network of your own? Would you like to bring 52 industries/organizations together to network? New Chapter Leader Cohort starting in the Fall! You can join some of our leaders by letting Sara know you are interested in this unique opportunity.

Review Some of The Frequently Asked Questions…

You’ve Probably Been Told These Myths…

"Say YES and mark GOING to all the things!"

“Fill your schedule” is what I was always told. If you aren’t meeting with people, you should be networking. Take time to search for more opportunities. Ask others about where they are going. Get creative, plan your own things, and show up even when you don’t want to because…”It will pay off when you do!” The truth is… Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to networking. We have an option where you can take care of all your networking needs in ONE networking space! 

I'm putting my foot down and debunking old methods of networking. "Networking is about finding leads, customers, and sales"

Networking is NOT just about sales and leads! It’s an intentional way to CONNECT. To help you find mentors, collaborators, partners, and even friends who share your values and can offer support in various aspects of your business or nonprofit work.

When time in networking it truly spent thinking about others over ourselves, we will grow in more ways than just sales.

"Networking is quick, like speed dating with business cards."

Networking in itself can be quick. It’s an interaction and exchange of information between professionals. However, the real results come from the connections that arise during networking. It’s not fast, it’s not speed dating, and it DOES take time, authenticity, and genuine connections to yield meaningful results in networking. 

You Should Never Feel Alone In Your Network

When we walk into a room full of people we don’t know, whether in person or virtually to network, it can feel SO intimidating. 

What if you ALWAYS had someone in the room that’s sole job and responsibility was to help introduce you to new people, start the conversations, find the connection links and keep the flow rolling? Like a guide who helps you steer through the networking world?

Imagine the difference you would feel if you could have this EVERY TIME you network!

Like walking into a crowded lunchroom, relieved to see everyone’s hand shoot up at once as an invitation, “come sit by me!”

This is what it feels like to network in 52 Connections.

You are NEVER alone, and you always have a ‘networking guide’ by your side so that you can sweat less and connect more!

We make networking easy and comfortable from the start, so that you can put yourself out there without worry, and start building relationships right away.

Let’s do this together, arm in arm. Networking doesn’t have to be done alone, and it’s more fun when it’s not. This type of networking works every time, I guarantee it!

We Would Love To See You Join Us!

Click the link to join our waitlist and Sara will be in touch! We will talk about your networking goals and determine if 52 Connections is a unique option for you!

We are excited to learn more about you and connect you with new networks and opportunities!

Contact Me

If you have questions about 52 Connections in 52 Weeks, I would love to chat with you about them! Please contact me at my email or through through the form below.

Thank you!

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